HCI Track at GHC 10: FERNANDA B. VIEGAS presenting about visulization

presentation: 3-4 pm, Friday, Sep 30, 2010

Visualization of Bible text ? Or a classic like Pride and Prejudice ? why and how? Fernanda Viegas from google is explaining all these in a fun and engaging way. She demonstrated google's visualization and then ManyEyes . She also showed TreeMap visualization of microarray data visualization on ManyEyes.

What part of the body people think about the most ? Need to visualize that ? So extract text from song lyrics and try to visulaize the statistics , and guess what ? It's the Eye in general :) Each body part is shown in a bubble, and the size of the bubble is proportional to the percentage it is mentioned in the lyrics corpora, so the bubble for the Eye is the biggest ( which is good news for me and I also look into people's eyes ). But  when she filtered down the data only for hip-hop music it was something different. It  really talks about HIP ! hahaaa... this is not a nice visualization, but funny indeed. Just imagine a big bubble in the screen showing a human back.

Another visualization reveals : Lovers don't desire to touch the neck, but women desire to be touched on their neck ! Ok boys, this is important information !!!

Besides doing this cool stuffs it is important for researcher to use visualization tools for their research, and not only the computer scientists. and not only the researchers, common people are more and more motivated to use visualization and make their own way of it.  To make sense of data and make it more presentable , making it more competent to tell the story behind the data, story that we get from the data.
